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no sea breeze does

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Q: Does land breeze occur along coasts during the day?
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does Land breeze occurs?

Land breezes occur during the time of night.

3 examples of wind?

One example of wind is sea breeze. This type of wind is a cool breeze that is created over land that are near coasts. Another example is the mountain and valley breeze which occur one after the other. The third example is the chinook wind. It is a dry type of wind. It is simply known as chinooks.

How often does a King Tide occur at a beach?

It should occur in total twice a year - once at night during the winter months, and once in the daytime during the summer months. That is at the Australian Eastern Coasts.

What time of day does land breeze occur?

Land breezes occur during the time of night.

When does a mountain breeze occur?

at night

What is a valley breeze and how does it occur?

in the morning

Does a see breeze occur during the day or night?

Sea breezes typically occur at dawn when the land starts warming, and also at dusk when the land starts cooling.

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When does sea breeze occur?

What time during the day do land and sea breeze occur and why?

at 4'0 clock since the absolute momentum of the waves of the land breeze matches the sea breeze . In the morning you get a breeze from sea to land, since the land warms more quickly. The reverse in the evening, since sea cools more slowly.

What happens in a sea breeze and land breeze?

Yes, I think I know. A sea breeze comes from the west,bringing moisture in from the sea. A land breeze (I call it a "lee" breeze) comes from the east,TAKING AWAY moisture (dessicating/drying) and pumping it BACK INTO the sea. Breezes from the east,are also sometimes called "zephyrs".

Under what conditions would no breeze occur?
