

Does latitude have to do with weather?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Yes, the amount of light determines climate, and climatic zones. Climatic zones are like tropical, subtropical, or extratropical. You see, in the tropics, hurricanes can form over water, and tropical waves rain on rainforests or other land in the area. In the extratropical areas, hurricanes cannot form, and lows are polar lows. These lows can snow or rain, near the poles.

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no, but it has control such a marked effect on climatic elements as does the latitude, or the position of earth relative to the sun.- latitude is an imaginary line on the earth- its position on a world map is parallel.

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Weather producing fronts are part of storm system called?

Mid-Latitude Cyclones

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They have no direct (causative) predictive value. They have an indirect association.