

Does lead shrink when frozen?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: Does lead shrink when frozen?
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The gas inside of a tennis ball will usually settle when frozen. In most cases this means that it will either freeze or cause the ball to shrink.

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How much does water shrink from a liquid to a frozen solid?

Water shrinks when it expands.Water DOES NOT shrink it expands. It shrinks like it is supposed to at first. When it hits 4 degrees Celsius (39 degrees F.), it expands greatly.Hope this helps!Layla M.

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Why does ice shrink when it freezes?

Water actually becomes less dense, or expands, when frozen. When liquid water reaches it's freezing point, the water molecules rearrange themselves into a lattice structure. Due to the nature of the water molecules, they arrange themselves in such a way as to make it less dense than it was in it's liquid form, which is why ice floats on top of liquid water.

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The future tense of "shrink" is "will shrink."