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Q: Does levaquin show as oxocoton in urine?
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Does levaquin show up as a opiate on a drug screen?

levaquin is an antibiotic. levaquin WILL show up 4/5 times in a urine drug test as a opiate at high dosage but supposedly only within 6-8 hours of taking it. (look it up if you dont believe me) it has been the source of a few lawsuits

What is the alternative drug to levaquin if levaquin is not available?


Is Levocetirizine a generic of Levaquin?

No, Levaquin is an antiobiotic. Levoceitizine is an antihistimine.

Can you take levaquin if you are allergic to biaxin?

can I take levaquin for biaxin allergic

What blood tests are affected by taking levaquin?

Levaquin (Levofloxacin) may interfere with certain laboratory tests (such as urine screening for opiates), possibly causing false test results. Make sure laboratory personnel and all your doctors know you use this drug. Source: Web MD

Do ciggarites show up in your urine?

No they don't show up in your urine.

Can you take levaquin if you are allergic to sulfa?

Yes. Levaquin (levafloxacin) is not a sulfa antibiotic. It is a fluoroquinolone.

Why a Medicine does not show in a urine test?

A medicine might not show up in the urine test if it is not filtered out through the kidney and into the urine.

Will redotex and obeclox show up in a urine test?

will obeclox show on a urine test

Diazepam will it show for thc in urine test?

No, Diazepam will not show for THC in a urine test.

What do urine tests for pyelonephritis show?

If the patient has pyelonephritis, the urine tests will show the presence of white blood cells, and bacteria in the urine

Is ciprofloxacin same as levaquin?
