

Does light go through glass or reflect?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: Does light go through glass or reflect?
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If a glass prism were placed in a medium such as water would it separate light into different colors?

Yes it would because if the glass was clear the prism would reflect off of the light and go right through the glass.

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The answer depends on the medium which it then travels through.

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Can light travel through plastic or glass?

Yes it can. Unless the plastic and/or glass is too thick. Some types of glass and plastics make it harder for light to go through. ----------- The question is: Can light pass througth plastic or glass? The answer has to be either "both" or "glass", instead simply saying "yes"

Why does clear glass warm up faster than coloured glass?

yes because light will have to go through the coloring.

What happens to the light that doesnt go through glass?

When light hits glass: -- some of it bounces off the glass surface and goes back away from the glass (reflection) -- some of it is absorbed into the glass and never heard from again (absorption) -- some of it goes through the glass and comes out the other side (transmission).

Can light go through transparant stuff?

depends on what kind of transparent item , if it is a glass cup the light will get dimmer.

How can light go through straight tubes but not bent tubes?

because bent tube does not reflect light back .moreover light travels in a straight line

What do light travel through?

As Gravity is merely distortions in 4 dimensional space time, Maxwell's theory of light can be re-written to suggest that light is a distortion through 5 dimensional space time. Light waves will travel through anthing that does not completely reflect them. Through the vacuum of space, they move without interference. And we know that light goes through window glass pretty well, too. There is a wide variation in the nature of materials and substances, and there is likewise variation in the ability of light to go through these things. Light won't go through a sheet of steel or a brick, but it will go through a block of clear acrylic plastic. There are many, many other substances that light will go through or not. If you can see through it, light can get through it. If you cannot see through it, light can't get through it. But you probably figured that out. Consider more materials and whether or not you can see a light bulb through them.

How are you able to see through glass?

Glass is a transparent medium from Visible Light, which means, visible light can go through it without being blocked. Glass is NOT transparent for the entire electromagnetic spectrum though, Infra-Red light cannot go through glass (it blocks it much like a wall does to visible light!)Generally, the shorter the wavelength (as you go from red to violet to microwaves to x-ray to gamma), the more objects it can penetrate (which is the reason x-ray can penetrate your skin and flesh, but not your bones).

How does a prism reflect light?

It splits white light up into the colors of the visible spectrum, but if the colors go through another prism, they turn into white light again.

How does light go through a camera?

It is focussed by a lens (a sort of high-spec magnifying glass).