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Both. E = mc2(squared) wave is an energy form
while m is mass (particle)
einstein proved that light acts as wave and particle at the same time.

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Q: Does light have the properties of particles or waves?
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Light exhibits characteristics of waves particles both waves and particles neither waves nor particles?

Yes, light has both properties of light, and waves.

Is Light has many of the properties of waves but light can also act as though it is a stream of?

... particles.... particles.... particles.... particles.

Is it true that light has properties of both a particle and a wave?

Photons are the fundamental particles of light, they exhibit wave-particle duality, which means they show properties of both waves and particles.

Does light only travel in waves?

If you set up an experiment with equipment that detects and measures wave properties and then run light through it, light behaves like waves. If you set up an experiment with equipment that detects and measures particle properties and then run light through it, light behaves like particles. Light exhibits the propertiers of both waves and particles.

What are the ways that light behave?

Light behaves in TWO ways. It has the properties of BOTH Waves and Particles in its motion and transmission.

Is a visual light a transverse wave?

Light has a dual nature, as outlined by Albert Einstein. That means that light has properties of both transverse waves and particles.

Is light only made out of photons or even just waves and how can we see waves in a form of light?

Light can be understood as both particles (photons) and waves. According to the wave-particle duality concept in quantum mechanics, light exhibits properties of both particles and waves. We cannot directly see light waves, but we can observe their effects, such as the illumination of objects or interference patterns, which can be detected by our eyes or scientific instruments.

What does light travel in?

The simplest answer is that light consists of particles with wave properties. Elementary particles also have wave properties. This is how light travels.

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