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Do you mean: Is light the only thing we can see? If so then i have your answer. In our eyes we have rods and cones. These absorb and detect the gray scale of light and the primary colors. Our eyes only absorb and detect a very small portion of the entire light spectrum, and not everyone's eyes are the same. Have you ever argued with someone about the color of something? How do you know who is correct? well you may be both correct and wrong at the same time. The truth is that the color of an object depends on the true color of that object. An object's true color is defined by the color of light that it absorbs the most of. When an object is hit with white light, is is actually being hit with every color of light. White light is simply all the visible colors combined. The object will absorb certain colors of light and reflect others. You can see this with a simple experiment. Use a prism to see that wight light is composed of all the visible colors, then use a red light and shine it on a red paper. you will see that the paper reflects most of the light onto a near by wall. This is because the paper does not absorb red light. now try different colors of light and compare the reflection of all the lights to each other. You might be surprised at what you find. what we see is simply a reflection of the light bouncing off of everything.

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Q: Does light is the only thing you can see?
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No, thanks