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Q: Does light reflect off our skin as a diffuse reflection?
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Why transparent object look transparent?

Because that object does not reflect light. So glass is transparent because light passes through it. Skin is transparent under X-rays because the skin cannot reflect the high energy Xrays.

What sort of radiation absorbs or reflect radiation?

It doesn't absorb clever. It penetrates, and it can penetrate paper, smoke, a layer of skin and thin aluminium.

Why do dark colors absorb heat and radiation than light colors?

When we see objects, we see them due to light being reflected off the object into our eyes. The light that is reflected back gives us the image.Dark colours appear dark because they reflect less light. Light colours reflect more which is why they appear brighter.Because they reflect less, the light that they don't reflect is absorbed into the material.Light causes heat.This is why you shouldn't wear black in summer because you'll get too hot, astronauts wear silver/white suits because the sun would fry them, and polar bears have black skin under their white fur so that they stay warm in the snow.AnswerThis is a very complex subject. A simplified answer is the more reflective a surface is, the less it will absorb the light rays that generate heat (infared radiation). Something white, like copyier paper, usually around 87 to 90 brightness, reflects 87 to 90% of incoming light. Therefore it won't heat up as fast as something like black paper used in art class etc. The black paper reflects 2 to 5%. The difference turns into heat energy.

Does skin allow torch light to pass through?

Skin is actually translucent, not opaque. So yes, a thin enough membrane of skin can pass light. The human hand is thin enough, if the flashlight is bright enough.

What makes darker colors absorb more heat than lighter colors?

White light is a mixture of colors. When white light strikes a dark object little or no energy is reflected. When white light strikes a white object the energy is mostly reflected, not absorbed. Thus heat is absorbed by dark objects and reflected by light ones.

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Why transparent object look transparent?

Because that object does not reflect light. So glass is transparent because light passes through it. Skin is transparent under X-rays because the skin cannot reflect the high energy Xrays.

Is light reflects on human body?

yes some light rays do reflect from human skin but they are so less that they are almost ignorable. human skin's got pores and so majority of the light rays enter through them. hence human skin does not reflect back light as shiny sufaces like mirror etc. do (That is the reason why other people are almost invisible to you.)

What are the crystals in the skin of fish?

Some fish have skin made up of alternating layers of guanine crystals and cytoplasm to avoid polarized light and reflect un-polarized light.

Describes diffuse redness of the skin such as sunburn?


what is the meaning of Scleroderma?

A disease of adults, characterized by a diffuse rigidity and hardness of the skin.

What can we use to put on our skin to protect us from the sun's harmful UV rays?

The easiest thing to do is to wear a suncream with a high SPF factor (30 or more). They contain chemicals that break down in UV light before your skin. Most of them are also white in colour in order to reflect the UV light and visible light of the sun away from your skin.

Why do snails not fart?

snails use there thin layer of skin to diffuse any organic gasses.

Why does black skin reflect the sun's rays?

It does not reflect solar radiation as well as lighter skin, although perspiration would influence that. Dark skin contains melanin, a pigment that gives skin more protection from the damaging effect of ultraviolet radiation.

What 2 minerals are in lipstick?

the minerals that it contains the reflection of your lips and all the particles on your lips that are tiny red dots and with the reflection of the light and makes the color red....

Why the people have dark skin and is melanin contributed to dark skin?

Melanin is the pigment which helps our skin to be defensive against over exposure. Normally when you are exposed to sun light the skin will produce melanin automatically. But people from cold climates won't need melanin as the sun light is not strong over there. So people from colder area tend to be white. But people from hotter climates need melanin to prevent sun burn so their body is programmed to do so. More melanin means the darker the skin. The reason why melanin turns our skin to black is, black color can absorb the light, but white will reflect the light. If the light is being reflected only the skin will be exposed to heat and that will damage the skin which is sunburn. But dark skin will absorb the heat and transfer the heat to the inner body parts under the skin and thus by having less damage on the skin.

What is diffuse paresthesia?

Pins and needles sensation of the skin or extremity with no ill effects other than the sensation