

Does lightning occur in the same or different place?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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Lightning does occur in different places, but many more times then 2!

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Q: Does lightning occur in the same or different place?
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Is thunder the same as lightning?

Thunder and lightning occur roughly at the same time during a thunderstorm, but they are different things. Typically you see the lightning first and then you hear the thunder.

What can't lightning strike in the same place twice?

Lightning not only can strike the same place twice, it frequently does.

Why do thunder and lightning bolt occur at the same instant?

Thunder is the sound of the lightening

What does it mean when lightning strikes twice?

Many people (not necessarily scientiest or meteorologists) think that lightning will not strike the same place twice. So they say that it is rare for lightning to strick twice, meaning twice at the same place. This term is used to imply something that is rare.

Is fork lightning more dangerous than sheet lightning?

Sheet lightning, or more accurately intracloud lightning is the same as lightning that hits the ground, the only difference is that it is within the cloud. They are no different apart from that. They are the exact same thing, except one would take a different path. They are both dangerous.

Why do you sometimes hear thunder at about the same time of lightning?

you are probably hearing the thunder from a different lightning strike.

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after shocks don't occur in the same place due to ex tonic faults occuring in the ground

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the same

Is lightning never strikes twice in the same place myth or fact?


Is sheet lightning and heat lightning the same thing?

Sheet lightning and Heat lightning are very similar, if not the same. They form the same way, but might strike different. For instance, sheet lightning looks more like a sheet in the sky, (strange eh? :D) and doesn't normally strike down into the ground, and when you have heat lightning, you see differently. But mostly, they form the same way. =D good luck!

Lightning never strike in the same place is this myth or a fact?

It is just another myth

Why doesn't lighting strike the place twice?

Lightning can (and sometimes does) strike twice in the same place. it usually strikes three times in the same place it just apears to be one.