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It does nothing .

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Q: Does lime juice effect a raw egg to make it safe?
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Rose's lime juice turned orange Is it safe?

It's time for Rose to dump the lime juice.

Is the same amount of lime juice used to substitute for vinegar?

Yes. Lime juice is more acidic, so it's safe. But you cannot substitute vinegar for lime juice safely.

Differences between lime water and lime juice?

Lime water is calcium hydroxide diluted in water while lime juice is the juice from lime fruit which contains different chemicals like vitamin c, citric acid, and sugars.

How safe is lime wire?

it safe i dont know will is safe you can dowlod lime wire it fee

Can you substitute lime juice for lemon juice in canning?

You may, but you may not like the end product. The lemon juice adds acidity like orange juice will that help to prevent spoilage, but lemon juice also contributes to the taste. Orange juice will too, but you may find it much sweeter.

Can lime remove a tender pregnancy?

No. lime is safe.

Are lemon and lime juice interchangeable in canning tomatoes?

It can if too much is added. Typically, when I can salsa, the only recipe I use is in my head. I do use lemon juice to help season it, sometimes I use lime juice. I also help to balance those with sugar, salt, and other seasonings.

Juice fast how healthy is it Is it safe for diabetics?

A juice fast is healthy and with doctor supervision can be safe for diabetics.

Is it safe to drink water that has lots of lime buildup?


Before downloading LimeWire pro you have to pay is it safe?

i can't tell you if the paid lime is safe but i us the FREE LIME WIRE and haven't cought no bugs as of yet so i'd think it would be safe

Does lemon attract ants?

No, ants hate Lime and will move next door.

Are there health concerns when using burnt lime?

i dont think so because it is just lime but its burnt so i think your safe