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Linseed oil does not damage paint. Linseed oil is used along with turpentine in oil paints as a type of paint thinner. Linseed oil extends the life of oil paint, makes it easier to thin out, control the paint and paint layers.

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Q: Does linseed oil damage paint
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Where does linseed oil come from?

Llinseed oil may be purchased at a paint store or hardware store.

What is linseed oil?

Linseed oil is generally taken from flax seed. In years past it was used in paint and as a preservative for wood, iron and masonry. Its use as a part of paint is seeing a resurgence in the historic preservation of older structures.

What is difference between linseed oil and mineral spirits?

Linseed oil is just that, oil. Mineral spirits are alcohol based and would cause a different reaction if you used it in oil paints. The paint would break down or never dry.

What kind of paint does Bob Ross use in his paintings?

Bob Ross has his own line of oil paints. His paint is a thicker consistency than standard oil paint. He also uses Liquid White, Liquid Clear, and Liquid Black before he starts to paint. These are quite runny. You can make your own using a good bit of linseed oil mixed with a tube of black or a tube of white oil paint. Liquid clear can be substituted with plain linseed oil.

Why is linseed oil not used for oilstone?

why i linseed oil not used on oil stones

Can cooking oil be used as an alternative binder to paint?

No, most cooking oil are not suitable for using with paint, as they tend to remain fluid and do not dry quickly into a hard surface. Linseed oil (in its edible form known as flax seed oil) is commonly used, but the grade of linseed oil is not pure enough and often made using chemicals harmful to humans.

Can you use paint thinner to remove linseed oil from metal?

Denatured alchohol will remove the dried linseed oil from metal, just don't get it on any wood.

What tools were impportant to a limner?

They needed pigments, linseed oil, grindstone, muller (to make paint), a color box (to carry pigments in), and a paint brush.

How do you paint with alkyd?

In the past oil paints referred to either petroleum based paints or linseed based paints. Today in the USA petroleum based paints are no longer sold and it is difficult to find linseed based paints though they do exist with a small proportion of linseed oil. Alkyd paints are made with synthetic oil and are readily available and have come to be known as "oil" paint.

What is the difference between double boiled linseed oil and boiled linseed oil?

Double boiled linseed oil contains extra chemical additives that boiled linseed oil does not have. These chemical are added to help with the drying process.