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Q: Does liquid oxygen occur naturally
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Is oxygen radioadive?

Some oxygen isotopes are radioactive, but they do not occur naturally.

What state of matter do halogens naturally occur in?

They do Occur in SOLID,LIQUID and GAS

What 11 gases occur naturally?

oxygen nitrogen hydrogen

Does oxygen occur naturally as a diatomic molecule with three covalent bonds?

Yes, oxygen has a diatomic molecule.

Where does the element oxygen naturally occur?

everywhere. when there are trees in that area

Does gold occur naturally as a liquid?

No. It is an ore from the smallest flakes,to the largest vein.

Does caffeine occur naturally as a solid or liquid?

At 25°C, pure caffeine is a solid.

What is the use of isotope of oxygen?

The isotopes are not manufactured for specific uses, they occur in nature naturally.

Why does oxygen exist in gaseous state?

Oxygen, on earth, is a gas because it is in a gaseous state. On mars, it is liquid. The physical state of any element like hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sodium, sulfur, etc depends on the ambient temperature and pressure. The earth's atmosphere doesn't pressurize oxygen enough for it to turn into a liquid, nor is cold enough for oxygen to condense into a liquid. Hence oxygen is a gas.

Which chemicals occur naturally in the air?

I wouldn't say that many chemicals occur naturally in the air, however Oxygen and Nitrogen are the two main gases that make up the Earth's atmosphere.

Why does oxygen occur naturally?

It is a byproduct of the life processes on Earth. Earth's early atmosphere contained no Oxygen, but Earth was slowly Terra-formed by life and obtained an Oxygen rich atmosphere.

Can gold occur naturally?

It DOES occur naturally. It is an ore. It is not man made.