

Does liquid water boils as it turns to ice?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Steam condences into water, water freezes in to ice, ice melts into water, water boils to steam

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Q: Does liquid water boils as it turns to ice?
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Melting. Think of ice. When you melt ice, it turns into a liquid, when you freeze ice it turns into a solid. Improved: Melting. Think of ice. When you melt ice, it turns into WATER (a liquid), when you freeze (ice) WATER it turns into a solid, WHICH IS CALLED 'ICE'.

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Ice is transformed in liquid water and vapors.

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Ice melts at 0 degrees Celsius Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius

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The water turns from a liquid to a solid

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Ice turns to liquid at 30 degrees and to gas at 100 degrees

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Freezing point is when a material turns from a liquid into a solid. (ex. When water turns into ice at 0 degrees) Freezing point is when a material turns from a liquid into a solid. (ex. When water turns into ice at 0 degrees)

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Freeze the liquid water until it turns to solid ice.

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Ice turn in water only if the temperature is over 0 0C.