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It depends on the music. Loud songs or songs with a singer are more likely to distract you than quiet songs with no lyrics.

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Q: Does listening to music affect studying?
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What is the procedure for how does music affect the heartbeat?

1. Gather you materials 2. Test the H.T.S. (Human Test Subject heartbeat before listening rap music 3. Record that heartbeat down 4. Test the person's heartbeat after listening to rap music 5. Record that heartbeat 6. Test the person's heartbeat before listening to pop music 7. Record that heartbeat 8. Test the person's heartbeat after listening to pop music 9. Record that heartbeat 10. Test the person's heartbeat before listening to country music 11. Record that heartbeat 12. Test the person's heartbeat after listening to country music 13. Record that heartbeat

What are you studying when you're studying the science of sound?


How can the choice to present a story through the medium of television most affect an audience's perception of it?

Striking images can affect an audience's emotional experience of a story.

What musical instrument did Albert Einstein play?

Einstein played the piano and violin. Many geniuses play an instrument. It is well documented that playing music (not just listening to Mozart!) changes the hippocampus area of the brain which is responsible for spatial reasoning.

Can different type of music change the heart rate?

Yes it can. It wont do it by itself, generally you have to "go with it" more or less. What i mean by that is if you sit there staring at the wall as if watching the paint dry while listening to death metal it probably will not do anything, but if you are doing what most people do when they listen to that kind of music (head bang, move around, sing along) that will make your blood pump faster. Basically, the effect that music has on your emotions is what increases or decreases your heard rate, which is why people listen to classic music to relax and metallic to rock out. Yes, but why don't you just try music from around the world.:():

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Can listening to music while studying affect test resualts?

I listen to music every time I study math and never had a problem i have an A in math to I do not think it matters unless you like to dance and forget your stuff that you are studying, or you start singing to it.

Does listening to music affect your body?

Listening to music will affect your body in various way. Smooth music can be therapeutic while loud music will be noise and it can impair your hearing and cause stress.

Why would listening to music while studying be considered stressful?

I don't think it would be stressful at all, unless of course it is screamo or something like that. When studying music makes the brain want to study harder!

Can listening to music when you're sleeping stunt your growth?

No, it doesn't affect your growth. ;)

What is the independent and dependant variable for how does studying with music affect students test scores?

Independent variable: studying with music Dependent variable: students' test scores

Does listening to music during studying affect retention?

Yes, if it is instrumental and a slow monotonous rhythm, particularly effective if it blots out outside noises such as a car horn, loud conversations outside your door or window etc.

How will listening to music affect how you play video games?

It depends on the person. Some people find that listening to certain types of music helps their concentration, or gets them "in the zone", so to speak.

Does studying with music produces good results?

It depends what you are studying, the type of music listened to, and the individual doing the studying and listening, and the duration of the studying. (There are a lot of factors, so good luck with any scientific study on this subject!) D.J. Ran Collins Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Master of Education, and Master of Science in International Studies.

What best describes the person labeled X in the three?

Person X appears to be a student studying at a desk. They are young, wearing headphones, and appear focused on what they are doing. They could be listening to music while studying.

Is music relaxing to the brain?

Lesuik, (2005) reports that Listening to Preferred music at work has a positive affect on mood, and causes stress relief

Does fast or slow music affect how fast you walk?

Yes. Research has shown that people walk faster when listening to quick-tempo music.