

Does lodestone has south poles

Updated: 12/4/2022
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Q: Does lodestone has south poles
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What is the difference between lodestone and magnetite?

So far as I can figure out, the difference is the alignment of poles and magnetic configuration. In non-lodestone Magnetite, the poles are not aligned. You essentially have multiple natural magnets glopped together in a ferrous oxide matrix, or simply an ore with the chemical composition of FeO·Fe2O3. Magnetite is magnetic, but does not always create a natural magnetic field. Lodestone has definite north and south poles, and is considered the most powerful of natural magnets.

What is an example of natural magnet?

Yes. For example, Lodestone where Magnes stepped on it and its metal slippers stick, it happened in the place Magnesia and our planet Earth is magnetic. That's why we have North and South Poles.

What did the egyptians call lodestone?

south pointer

What do we call a natural magnet?

In a sense, the Earth is a natural magnet, with north and south poles effecting compasses. Naturally magnetized piece of the mineral magnetite, commonly known as lodestone, is an example of a natural magnet..

Where is lodestone found besides in magnesia?

you can find lodestone above ground, but not below ground.

Where is the quartermaster's store in RuneScape?

He's just south of the Burthrope lodestone teleport.

What is the two unlike poles on a magnet?

North and south poles.

Where is a magnets pull the strongest?

The north and south poles.

Are the North Pole and the south pole geographical poles?

yes, the north and south poles are geographical poles.

Lines of longitude meet where?

Lines of longitude meet at the North and South Poles.

What are natural magnet?

Natural Magnet The lodestone is a species of iron ore which has the property of attracting iron and some of its ores. When freely suspended it always points to the poles.

How many does a magnet pole have?

It has 2 Poles the North Pole and the South Pole . Extra Info . : Like Poles repel where as unlike Poles attract .