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Q: Does long hair take a long time to grow?
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How long will it take hair to grow 12 inches?

It depends on your genetics . different people , different time . see how long it takes you hair to grow an inch , then multiply by 12

How long does it take for hair to grow if you put prenatal in your shampoo?

The same length of time as it would without it.

How long does a typical hair on the scalp grow?

i don't think hair rlly has a limit as to where it stops growing. it doesnt. people just cut their hair all the time. some peoples hair take long to grow out and some peoples hair take fast to grow out. so it depends. Actually hair on your head grows for about 3 - 4 years before it falls out.

How do you keep long hair thick?

Hair, we can grow it as long as we want but it might be untidy and hard to take care of, right? Well, unless you spend like every hour of the day cleaning your hair then it won't be so bad... But, you don't have time to do that... I suggest you to cut your hair. and then, it can grow long.

How can a boy with short hair grow waist long hair naturally?

Not cut it for a long time.

How much does a perssons hair grow in a year?

hair growes by time not by whatever you think just wait and take care of your hair then it wont seem so long

After waxing how long does it take for your hair to grow back?

it depends if its ur first time waxing. if it is it might take a week to grow back but every time you wax it grows back less and less.

How do you grow your hair fast with short hair?

dont cut it! you cant grow your hair fast and it does take time. just be patient.

Why does human hair take so long to grow after it has fallen out?

the time it takes to grow hair depends alot on genetics and personal nutrition. To regrow hair will appear to take longer because you are starting from nothing, and may also be influenced by whatever caused the hair to fall out in the first place.

Your hair is trimed will your hair grow back?

Normally yes, but if you happen to be dead at the time of the trimming of the hair then as long as you're dead, your hair will not grow back.

How long does it take your hair to grow up to your shoulders?

It varies depending on your genes. With some people a very long time and others in the blink of an eye.

Wil pibic hair grow back?

if your going through puberty and see a couple hairs and you shave it .it will take a long time to grow back.but usually yes it will grow back.