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Q: Does loratidine contain sydophedrin
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Can you take cold medicine with loratadine?

Loratidine (Claritin, clarinex) is an antihistamine and may be taken with other cold medications that do not also contain antihistamines, but only have decongestants and cough supressants.

What kind of a drug is Loratidine?

Loratidine is a second generation histamine antagonist drug that is used for treatment of allergies, it is marketed under the name Claritin and is closely related to trycyclic anti depressants.

What are some brand names of antihistamines?

Chlorpheniramine, diphenhyrdamine, dimenhydrinate and loratidine.

What is Loratidine 10mg usually prescribed for?

Loratidine is usually prescribed for allergy symptons like a runny nose and watery eyes(e.g. in hay fever) and for a skin condition with red or pale itching patches.

Are Claritin and alavert the same?

Yes. It is also available generically and OTC as "loratidine".

Is Loratadine another name for Lora tab?

No. Loratidine is another name for Claritin, an antihistamine. Lortab is a pain reliever containing acetaminophen and hydrocodone.

How can loratab effect a growing fetus?

You should not take loratidine in pregnancy. You can take promethazine, cholrpheniramine maleate, pheniramine maleate, diphenhydramine, meclizine and buclizine in pregnancy.

Can children take Claritin and Pedicare cough syrup together?

No. One has Loratidine and second have chlorpheniramine. Both are Antihistaminic drugs. So do not take first one till second one is taken.

What part of speech is the word contain?

The word contain is a verb (to contain).

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they contain gas and rocks they contain gas and rocks

Does Clinique foundation contain a sunscreen?

Clinique foundation actually can contain or not contain sunscreen based on your preference. The options that do contain sunscreen contain 15 and up spf.

Does Tramadol contain caffeine?

No, Tramadol does not contain caffeine.