

Does macaws live alone or with others?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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macaws live with others.

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Q: Does macaws live alone or with others?
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Do macaws live alone?

Yes, the margay is a solitary animal.

Do blue macaws live alone?

aparently yes they do but have known to vate with hippos

In what hemisphere do macaws live in?

the macaws live in the southern hemisphere

What layer do macaws live?

Macaws live in the canopy and emergent layers of the forest.

Do macaws live in Rio?

Blue Macaws do live in Rio as you've seen in the movie (RIO)

Do blue macaws live in rio?

Blue Macaws do live in Rio as you've seen in the movie (RIO)

Do macaws live in the plains of Africa?

No, macaws do not live in the plains of Africa. They primarily live in South America, Central America, and formerly the Caribbean.

Where do macaws live?

Most macaws live in rainforests of Central and South America, including rainforests of the Amazon basin, where they nest in tree hollows. Many live in the emergent layer in the rainforest, but some species, such as Red-fronted macaws, live in swampy areas within rainforests, while Scarlet macaws tend to favour lowlands. The rainforest is not the only habitat in which they are found. Two other species, Scarlet macaws and Military macaws, are known to live in Mexico. Red-fronted macaws, which live in Bolivia, inhabit semi-arid areas, living in cavities in cliff faces.

Where do red macaws live?

They live in malaria and underwater

Do blue macaws live in Brazil?

no they live in wisconsin

Do slugs have friends?

Yes they can live with others but they do not need to it can live alone or with others it doesn't matter.

Do macaws live in the canopy?

Most macaws live in rainforests of Central and South America, including rainforests of the Amazon basin, where they nest in tree hollows. Many live in the emergent layer in the rainforest, but some species, such as Red-fronted macaws, live in swampy areas within rainforests, while Scarlet macaws tend to favour lowlands. The rainforest is not the only habitat in which they are found. Two other species, Scarlet macaws and Military macaws, are known to live in Mexico. Red-fronted macaws, which live in Bolivia, inhabit semi-arid areas, living in cavities in cliff faces.