

Does male hamster eat female hamster?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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of course not.

by estherbella.

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Q: Does male hamster eat female hamster?
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Does the male hamster have to be around when female hamster having a babies?

Do not put the male around the female! Some male hamsters eat the babies, I'm not kidding.

Will the Siberian dwarf hamster be okay if it doesnt live with another hamster?

If you get anotherfemale hamster the mother of the hammy they with fight and the female hamster will eat the baby hamster.! If you don't know if you have a female or male go to animal doctor and they will tell you if they female or male?

When the female hamster has baby do you take the male out?

Yes, the male can eat the babies if you don't.

What does a male Hamster do when the female Hamster is pregnant?

well usually when you have a pregnant hamster housed with a male hamster, the female will fight him visously until death. However once her babies are born, the male will eat them! So after you mate them, separate the 2 immediatly.

Why cant the male hamster be with the female and babies?

The male hamster might deside to eat the babies. It sounds funny, but it is true. XO

Do you have to separate male whinter white hamster from female winter white hamster when female give birth?

Yes, you do have to separate them. Or else, the male will eat the babies once they are born.

Can a male hamster eat a baby female hamster?

I was breeding hamsters for awhile-- it is typical for the FEMALE to eat her first litter. She often feels inadequate to tend to her first litter. The male isn't known for eating the babies (male or female) since he's like any "typical male" and prefers to let the female do all the work.

You have had your male hamster for a month and you just got a female hamster Will your male hamster be settled in too much to breed?

Do not put a female hamster with an already settled male hamster JUST DON'T

How can you tell if a Golden hamster is a male or female?

A female hamster will have a longer tail then the male hamsters and female's make more mess then male's.

How does a male hamster attract a female hamster?

It is ususally a female hamster that attracts a male. If you want them together is suggest you have a piece of cardboard to seperate them if they fight. The male will sniff the female. if the female allows it then it is probably ok.

Would a male and female dwarf hamster fight in the same cage?

the male hamster will choose one female hamster and the left one will die

What should you do with your pregnant hamster while there are another male and female in the cage?

The hamster, having more mass than a regular hamster, is ripe for the harvest. Eat it.