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Man made bees wax will attract bees if it has an strong perfumes added to it. Most bees tend to be attracted to fresh nectars or sweet scents in nature.

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Q: Does man made beeswax attract bees?
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Are bees producers or consumers?

Bees are very much producers. They take nectar from flowers and use it to create honey and beeswax. Man collects the surplus honey and wax. Bees also gather propolis, a resinous substance from plants, and this is used in fine varnishes.

What Honey is man made or natural?

All honey is made by bees, therefore it is natural. If it is not made by bees then it is not honey.

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Because that is how God made us

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Colony candles are made of wax and a wick. Candles have been made by man for thousands of years, originally by repeated dipping of a string into molten beeswax.

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What is the living space of a honey bee?

Honey bees live in hives, formed by the bees themselves, usually. Occasionally, however, apiaries, man-made beehives, will house many bees, so that the honey can be harvested.

What do you call a place where for keeping and breeding insects?

Beekeepers keep and breed bees. They build large homes for the bees that are considered to be bee hives. The bees live and work in these man made beehives just the same as those they build.

How long can man live without bees?

Albert Einstein said that, if bees disappeared man would only survive for 4 years.

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The cast of Attack of the Killer Bees - 2013 includes: Schroeder as Man in Jeep Joe Castro as Man attacked by bees Felip Winslett

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How do they make desert mesquite honey?

Mesquite honey is made by bees. Apiculturists place bee hives in areas with many mesquite trees and the bees do all the work. The bees drink nectar from the mesquite flowers and use it to make their honey. Man only has to harvest the honey at the end on the season.