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It is out of your system faster if you eat it because when you smoke it it goes strait in to your blood stream an when you eat it it metabolizes faster but its not as fun so just be safe and if you must take a drug test use niacin 500mg to clean your system out the only thing is you have to drink at least 4 depending on your body weight an height and it must be taken with a lot of water an not while high an at least 30 hours before your drug test

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14y ago
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13y ago

No. Marijuana should not stay in your system for any longer if you ingest it compared to if you inhale it. A warning to law-abiding drivers: marijuana can stay in your system for over a week, so if you take marijuana and get pulled over for a random drugs test, you can come back positive.

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11y ago

no. THC is still metabolized the same whether smoked or eaten. However, the body does rid most THC in the feces whether eaten or smoked. THC is still attracted to and clings to fat cells. So, although the length of time to get high is faster by smoking than eating, THC still remains in the body the same length of time, which basically varies person to person, based on BMI, amount and frequency Marijuana is used. Other factors include diet, exercise and water intake. Exercising re-releases fat-stored THC right back into the bloodstream. Generally a Lower BMI = Faster cleaning.

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Q: Does marijuana leave your system faster if you smoke it or eat?
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How long is marijuana in your system for a heavy user?

For heavy users, marijuana can be detected in the system for up to 30 days or even longer, depending on factors like frequency of use, metabolism, and body fat percentage. THC, the main active compound in marijuana, can accumulate in fat cells and release slowly over time.

How can you get clean faster from marijuana?

Smoke hookah. It really works.

How can you pass a blood test if you smoke marijuana?

You cant, you have to wait from 20 to 90 days for the marijuana to leave your system, the drug stays in your system for a long time. If you blood test is soon and you have smoked marijuana recently,........your screwed.I hope this answer has been of much use.

Does it really take 30 days for marijuana to leave your system?

depends on how much you smoke if you smoke alot every day could take 90 days,occasional smoker 30 days , and if you just barely smoke 10- 20 days. Depends on your body weight fat to muscle count. If you just work out burn the fat that the THC sticks to you can get it out of your system faster.

If you smoke marijuana then cigarettes does the marijuana stay in your system longer?

Not necessarily, however it does increase your high.

What a Pearson can do to make his body system free from marijuana?

Not smoke

How long does marijuana stay in your system if you smoke every weekend?

It can stay your system for up to 30 days after your last smoke.

Can two partners that smoke marijuana still have a child?

Yes. Marijuana doesn't affect the reproductive system.

What will help speed up cleaning your system for marijuana?

Smoke a blunt.

What is the best way to clean your system of marijuana for cheap?

dont smoke then :-)

Does it take longer for marijuana to leave your system if its stronger marijuana?

Yes, because the more THC (Active ingredient in marijuana) there is in your system, the longer it will take to get out. One can speed up the process by drinking lots of water and getting some exercise.

If you smoke but don't inhale the marijuana smoke will THC still go into your system?

Yes, as long as you had it in your mouth.