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Yes. You MUST file for expungement in the same state which convicted you.

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Q: Does matter what state you file for an expungement in for a misdemeanor conviction?
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What is the procedure for expunging a possession of paraphernalia misdemeanor charge?

It depends on the state. Check your local laws. Most places its the same as a felony conviction with a different form. Try googling "Expungement" and your state.

When would someone need to use an expungement lawyer?

When an individual is looking to have a prior conviction destroyed or sealed, they would use an expungement lawyer. If the prior conviction is destroyed or sealed then it can not be used by state or federal repositories.

Why can't you get a misdemeanor expunged?

You will have to consult the state law of the state in which you were convicted. Not everyone nor every offense will qualify for expungement.

How long before one can seal a misdemeanor conviction in the state of mi?

7 Years

Can a Misdemeanor embezzlement charge reduced or removed from a persons record?

You can look into the expungement procedure for criminal offenses in your state to see if you quailify.

Can anything be done for the expungement of two misdemeanor convictions committed 15 years ago?

It all depends on the law of the state in which the conviction occurred. The court that convicted you will apply the law of its state. If you are searching for information on expungement in your state, be aware that different states have different names for record clearing. It can be called such things as expungement, record sealing, vacating a conviction, and setting aside a judgment. Most counties have a public defender's office who will file a petition for record clearance (expungement, vacating, setting-aside, sealing, or whatever it is called in your state) for free-- though most public defenders have a low-income requirement. They may also have packets on how to do it yourself. If you have financial means, you can have an attorney handle it for you. There are law firms that specialize in record clearing. If your conviction was in federal court, you cannot have your conviction expunged. However, some states, such as, will allow you to petition to have all of your civil rights and gun rights restored. Make an appointment to talk to the judge at the court where you were convicted.

Can you buy a gun in KY with a misdemeanor?

This is a matter of federal law, not state law. Most misdemeanors won't disqualify you from owning a firearm, but some will. For example, any domestic violence conviction, even if only a misdemeanor, will disqualify you. We'd need to know specifically what the misdemeanor was in order to give an absolute answer.

In the state of Michigan is it possible to have a misdemeanor set aside if it is less than one year since the conviction?

If it has been less than five years since the date of your conviction or adjudication, you cannot get your criminal record expunged now. You must wait until five years have passed from the date of your conviction or from the date of your juvenile adjudication. You may be able to get an expungement once the five years are up. See link below:

How do you eliminate a felony conviction The conviction was in Utah but I am on probation in Arizona where I served my sentence?

You must apply for expungement to the state in which you were convicted, and you must have completely served your sentence or obligation, or be under any kind of supervision.

Will a misdemeanor conviction show up on a background check in AZ?

Yes, a misdemeanor conviction will typically show up on a background check in Arizona. Background checks in Arizona usually include information from the state's criminal record database, including misdemeanor convictions.

Would an attempted insurance fraud conviction prevent you from acquiring a gun permit?

It would depend on the state, but probably yes. It might depend on whether or not the conviction was a misdemeanor or a felony.

How long does a felony charge stay on your record in the state of AZ and how can it be removed from your records?

A felony conviction record is forever unless it is expunged. If you qualify for expungement you can have the offense expunged. HOWEVER - an expungement only hides the conviction from the general public. Law enforcement, the courts, and government agencies will always have access to it which would prevent you from ever possessing a firearm.