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Q: Does meningitis spread through blood
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How do you get rashes from meningitis?

Its when the bacteria from the meningitis leaks into your blood stream and gives you blood poisoning of which causes blood to leak through the tissue which causes the rashes.

How does Meningitus spread?

Meningitis is primarily spread through respiratory secretions like saliva or mucus, often through close contact with an infected individual. It can also be spread through direct contact with an infected person's respiratory secretions or by touching surfaces contaminated with the bacteria or viruses that cause meningitis.

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spread through blood steam

Is meningitis spread by vectors?


Where does meningitis come from?

Meningitis is spread by coming in contact with the saliva or mucus of someone who already has meningitis. Meningitis affects the membranes that enclose the spinal cord and brain.

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Yes, Aids can be spread through contaminated blood being swallowed.

How is HIV spread through the body?

By blood

How does the body defend itself from meningitis?

Through the brain has very good blood supply, there is something called as blood brain barrier. There are tight junctions in the cappilaries and from outside a layer of connective tissue cells. So that bacteria cannot pass through this barrier. So meningitis is relatively rare disease.

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How contagious is tuberculous meningitis?

It is very contagious and is usually spread through intimate contact, kissing, drinking from the same bottle or glass. sharing towels keeping tooth brushes in close contact etc.

How are most cases of meningitis acquired?

Meningitis can usually be contracted in several different ways. Some ways include: missing routine vaccinations or not getting vaccinations at all, live, work or learn in close quarters with others, get pregnant, or catch a cold.

Does hepatitis A and hepatities B spread from blood to blood contact?

In the past, people have contracted hepatitis C through blood transfusions