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Q: Does meringque left out cause food poisoning?
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What is the cause of foodpoisoning?

Usually under cooked food, or food that has been left out and gathered bacteria. Salmonella is also a type of food poisoning.

Can cooked beans cause food poisoning when left a room temperature?

Yes. Cooked beans left at room temperature could support the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and cause illness.

Can cooked pasta that has been left out and turned rancid in heat cause food poisoning if heated and eaten?

Yes, it could

How is food poisoning related to food hygiene?

Food poisoning can have many causes. Not keeping uncooked meats, for instance, in properly cooled temperatures, or not cooking the same meat long enough to kill bacteria can cause food poisoning. Washing hands frequently while handling food and keeping clean workspaces can help keep food safe. Food should never be left out, but refrigerated after consumption.

Can a chicken curry made earlier then left out of the fridge for several hours if its reheated for less than a minute could that cause food poisoning?


How does food poisoning get into food?

Food poisoning is usually caused by bacteria. Bacteria can get into food if the person preparing it hasn't washed their hands, the utensils they are using or the surfaces the food is being prepared on. Bacteria can form in food if it hasn't been properly cooked or has been left to go rotten. You can also get food poisoning if the food has been delibrately posioned. also cause by 30 day old food any trouble? Let Alex Harrison Know!

Can bacterial vaginitis cause blood poisening if left untreated?

Bacterial vaginosis will not cause blood poisoning, even if left untreated.

What foods cause food poisoning?

Meat and poultry that are undercooked or that have been left out to long can be a surefire way to gamble with it. also once they are growing bacteria can leack into them and casue poisoning so it is not the food that has the poison in it is if bacteria and othet stuff get into it also i think eels if u dont clean them properly that can poison you Any cooked food that is not re-heated to the right temperature, could give you food poisoning.Dairy produce such as unpasturised cheeses can cause food poisoning,usually from the lysteria bug.

Why is cooked chicken high risk food poisoning food?

If the food it is not cocked properly some bacteria it is left in the meat.Raw fish and meat can give severe food poisoning when the meat its contaminated.

Are roasted beets left in the microwave over night still good?

No, all foods grow bacteria after a few hours if they are not refrigerated and could cause food poisoning.

When does a thawed turkey have a potential to cause food poisoning?

No food should be left out for mote than two hours in what's called the "danger zone" which is temperatures reading 40-140 degrees Fahrenheit

Why food poisoning will only occur if food is prepared in dirty premises?

That is not quite true. Food poisoning can occur if food is left sitting around too long, or is not properly stored and refrigerated. It can also become contaminated if it comes into contact with other foods that are already contaminated. So dirty premises is not a requiremnet for food poisoning to occur.