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The I in milk has a short I sound, as in mill and silk.

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Q: Does milk have a short or long vowel sound?
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Related questions

Does mild have a short vowel sound?

No. Mild has a long I sound, as in wild. Milk has a short I vowel sound.

Is milk a long vowel word?

No. The I has a short vowel sound as in mill and silk. Ask yourself, when you say it or hear it, do you hear the sound, "EYE" or do you hear the sound, "Ih?" Long vowels make their sound - for I, if you hear "EYE" you know it is a long vowel in this word. Long Vowel Words (A,E,I,O,U) cake beep high mow unit Short Vowel Words (a,e,i,o,u) act bet sick odd but

Does the word 'A' have a short or long vowel sound?

As an article (a, an, the), the word "a" usually has a schwa/ short U sound (uh), unless speaking specifically about the letter A (e.g. grade A milk).Also, it may stressed for rhetorical purpose as a long A.

Does pig have a short I sound?

Yes. The word "fish" has an "ih" or short I, to rhyme with dish and wish.

Does the word a have a short or long a sound?

It depends on the vocal stress, but "a" is normally a schwa or uh (short U sound).If used for the letter A, or stressed for some reason, it has the long A sound.Examples:"grade A milk""I wouldn't mind having a cat, but that can quickly become having many cats."

How do you say milk in an Indian language?

The Comanche word for milk is ma'okwerų or pitsipų. The ų sound is not found in English - it is a bit like pronouncing the vowel u while smiling instead of pursing the lips.In Natick, the language of the Narragansett and Wampanoag people, milk from an animal is sogkodtunk or sogkodonk; a mother's milk is meninnunk.Hindi:दूध = milk

What causes sound not to pass through milk?

It does; sound will be transmitted through any medium, be it solid, liquid or gas. The sound might be attenuated through long distances, but we don't generally have large volumes of milk in which to test.

What are some words with the short IL sound?

illegal, illegitimate, illness, ill, ilk, milk, silk, windowsill, mill, will

How do you dehydrate milk?

Milk doesn't dry; if it dries, it's not milk.

How long until birth after dogs nipples leak white fluid?

As long as she has nursing pups, she will continue to have milk . Once she stops nursing, it can be 3-10 days , and don't give her belly rubs , as this may stimulate the milk. Also, the sound of others puppies crying may stimulate ker let-down response for milk. If this goes on too long, take her to the Vet, please.

What begin with the same sound as mouse?


What makes milk last so long?

what makes milk last so long