

Does mold grow fastest in the light?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Does mold grow fastest in the light?
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Related questions

What is the fastest thing to grow?

Mold is the fastest thing to grow.

When do strawberries grow mold the fastest?

Strawberries usually grow mold the fastest on the leaves, but it also grows on the older spots of the strawberry. (Or the rotted part.)

How do you makes bread mold grow the fastest?

put water on it

Why does strawberries grow mold the fastest?

Because they are nice fat and juicy

Does mold grow faster in the light or dark?

Mold can grow better in the light because when fruits get into the dark they can spoil faster and get soft/ugly

What is the fastest way to grow mild?

There are many types of mold, and none of them will grow without water or moisture.

What molds grow fastest?

id say black mold but i dont know...

Why does bread grow fastest in the light?

because yeast like light to grow

Does mold grow faster on apples in light or dark places?

Mold usually grows on things in the dark because the light prevents the mold from growing. Mold will grow very slow when put in the sun but in the dark, it will grow faster! :)

What type of food allow mold to grow the fastest?

If you wet raspberries then put them in a plastic bag in a dark area such as a cabinet or pantry mold will start to grow within the first 48 hours

What is the effect of light on mold growth?

Mold grows best in dark areas but it must have some light exposure. when it is exposed to light completely the mold dows not grow very well

What is the fastest way to grow mold on bread?

The fastest way to grow mold on bread is to cut an orange in half, because of the sodium the mold will grow more and faster. then pour some orange juice (fresh squeezed) and leave the orange on top of the bread. you will start to see mold on it in a few days! hey by the way, i have an experiment on it later on, in school so i would have put the picture of the mold but someone has to answer this quickly, am i right?