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Due to the high water content in lettuce, it is more likely to wilt and be unappetising before any visible mould develops.

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Q: Does moldy lettuse make you sick?
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What smells make people sick?

sick,poo,pee,moldy milk, out of date cheese

Why should you not eat moldy salsa?

Don't eat anything that is moldy that wasn't meant to be moldy. Molds can produce toxins that can make you ill. Because it won't taste very nice :)

Will moldy bread harm humans i do not now srry good luck to you humans tat eat it?

Most moldy bread will harm people that eat it. Some mold will not make you sick. Some mold will make you sick. Some mold will make you extremely sick. Unless you know the particular type of mold will not make you sick or kill you, you should not eat it.

Do rabbits eat lettuse?

Rabbits will eat lettuce, but don't feed them to much because they could get sick.

If you touch molded bread and you wash your hands will you still get sick?

Moldy bread doesn't make you sick - even if you accidently eat some of it.

Will you get sick from eating a moldy taco?

Yes, this can happen. Indeed it can. And look at it tthis way: On the one hand you get Really sick. On the other you get a moldy taco? When in doubt throw it out! :}

Moldy fruit bad?

Moldy fruit is bad. Mold is a fungus and you can get very sick from Mold

Can you get food poisoning from eating moldy bacon even if it is cooked?

Yes. Moldy anything can get you sick.

Can you eat moldy nuts?

No, If you were to eat a moldy nut you would probably become extremely sick.

Can moldy weed get you sick?

you can, but you might get sick for many days or you'll get an infection

Can pigs eat moldy bread?

No, as the mould contains mycotoxins which at best will make the pig sick, at worst will kill them.

What are the nutreients for lettuse?

lettuse is actually very bad for you. Many people say it is good for you but it isin't. There is a chemical in lettuse that is bad for your stomach and is bad for your lungs.