

Does mountains affect climate by rain shadows?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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Yes it does affect climate by rain shadows :D

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Q: Does mountains affect climate by rain shadows?
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Can mountains affect climate by creating rain shadows?

Yes, mountains can affect climate by creating rain shadows.

Can mountains can affect climate by creating rain shadows?

Yes, mountains can affect climate by creating rain shadows.

Where do rain shadows form?

Rain Shadows form on the leeward side of some mountain ranges. The mountains block the flow of moist air and force it to condense and fall as rain on the windward side of the mountain. See the diagram above.

How do Rain shadows affect your climate?

i don't know what rain shadows are...look it up :) but not here. ~lol you fail at answering, no offence. :) a rain shadow is an area that is dry from lack of rain, due to the area being near a mountain range. the mountain takes the rain instead of it going and watering the area, so these "rain shadows" do not have many trees or plants growing. Take Alberta, in Canada for example. its right next to the mountains, so its climate is dry.

How do moutains affect climate?

Mountains can affect the climate of nearby lands. In some areas, mountains block rain, so that one side of a mountain range may be rainy and the other side may not.

How does a range of mountains affect the climate of a region?

A range of mountains can affect the climate of a region by blocking the movement of air masses, causing rain shadows on one side where the air rises and cools, and creating wet conditions on the windward side where the air cools and releases moisture. Additionally, mountains can influence temperature patterns by blocking cold air masses or creating temperature inversions in valleys.

What was the climate of the eastern woodlands?

the climate there was that they had a lot of rain the land was flat and had no mountains

How can affect the climate?

it can make it rain.

What mountains in the Andes in Argentina cause rain shadows?

the rain smell stank cause that what made the shadow

How do mountains and plateaus affect the climate?

mountains affect the make one side of the mountain drier because the winds push the moist air up the mountain and when it comes back down its dry. Also called Shadow Rain.

What ways do land and water affect climate in south America?

There are three ways that land and water affect climate in South America. The first way is a rain shadow which mean mountains cause dry climate. Another way is El Nino. This means that warm currents bring rain. The last way is that high elevations have cold climate. As you can see, there are three ways that land and water affect climate in South America.

How water can affect the climate?

it can make it rain.