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Yup. Sure do. So do toads. Catch one and hold it in your hand. You'll see. Been there, done that, got peed on.

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Q: Does mushroom grow when frogs pee?
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Why do frogs pee?

All red eyed tree frogs are female and constantly on their periods, and so when startled they shoot red pee at potential threats.

Do frogs defecate and urinate?

To answer your question frogs do poop (trust me I've seen the left overs on my garage door.) but if they pee I've never seen a frog pee but i think that they do. Frogs actually do pee. The waste filtered from their blood becomes urine, which passes from the kidney to the bladder and then out of the body.

How can you combine PokΓ©mon in PokΓ©mon moon?

you get a mushroom and a frog and pee on them and then you will get everything

Who likes frogs?

Not me! They smell, can pee on you, and will give you warts!

Is mushroom an adjective?

No. Mushroom is a noun, or a verb (to rapidly grow or to billow).

Which frogs are larger as tadpoles than as full-grown frogs?

None of them. Tadpoles hatch and grow, then undergrow metamorphosis to become frogs. And they continue to grow as frogs.

How are frogs and tadpoles alike?

tadpoles are frogs before they grow into frogs, just like fetuses are babies before they grow into babies...

How do you grow mushrooms on Minecraft?

To grow mushrooms:You need: Mycelium, Red Mushroom orBrown Mushroom & Bone Meal.Firstly: Place the Mycelium on a open area,Secondly: Place the Re Mushroom or Brown Mushroom on the Mycelium,Thirdly: select the Bone Meal, & Right click on the Red Mushroomor Brown Mushroom.

What happens to baby frogs if there is no water in pond?

they die p.s if u love frogs you are wierd cause you can get worts if they pee on you

How do boy frogs pee?

Boy frogs do not pee like humans do; instead, they release waste through their skin in the form of ammonia. They also excrete liquid waste in the form of urine, known as uric acid, through their cloaca. This waste is expelled as a white, semi-solid substance along with their feces.

Is a mushroom a primary producer?

a mushroom is a decomposer not a primary producer

Do all mushroom grow on soil?

No, but most do.