

Does my corporate card affect my credit score?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Wiki User

11y ago

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Yes. Any credit card that you associate with yourself will effect your credit. if you do well with the card then you will improve your credit. it is best to always be careful when using any credit card.

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It is easy enough to find out more information on your corporate credit score. Transunion credit report offers this convenient service. Check out further information at

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If you have poor credit history and are looking for a secure corporate credit card, you can search on to help you match the perfect card to you. It can help you search by credit history, credit score, rewards, fees, and much more.

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Does the credit score of an authorized user on your credit card affect your credit score?

No, the credit score of the authorized user will not affect the main cardholders credit score but the authorized users score can be affected as you can see

Are there any credit cards that won't negatively affect my credit score?

Your best bet would be to close those older credit cards. While it may take some time, your credit score can be improved. However, opening a new credit card, even if it doesn't affect your credit score may not be the best way to go. I am unsure if there is a credit card that wouldn't affect your credit score.

Does a company credit when the company is the accounts payable and the card was issued by the company for business expenses affect your personal credit score?

If none of your legal information is attached to the card (SSN for example) then the answer is No it will not affect your presonal credit score.

Will your credit history affect your application for a virgin money credit card?

Yes it will affect your chances for a virgin money credit card. This will happen becasue for any credit card that you are applying to you need a good enough credit score to qualify.

Would closing a credit card damage my credit score?

Yes closing a credit card can damage your credit score. But as long as everything else is good it should not affect you credit rating to much. Look for tips to keep a good credit card rating.

Can adding a second card holder to your credit account affect your credit score?

Not if you are responsible for all of the loans or credit card payments on your credit report. But, if the second card holder is responsible for any payments on your cards, and doesn't make them, then it can cause your score to lower.