

Does my new spouse take on my debt?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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9y ago

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Yes, when you marry someone, the two people become one so any past debt becomes the responsibility of both people. Unless of course there is a prenuptial agreement in which each side has and keeps what they came into the marriage with.

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This is a bit confusing, but I'll try. If the new spouse is the ower of the old debt, then yes. The beginning of a new marriage does not absolve old responsibilities. If the the new spouse married the ower of the old debt, then no. Those who are not contracted to owe cannot be pursued for a debt owed by another. If the new spouse now has joint accounts with his or her new partner, regardless of who owes the old debt, then those accounts are fair game to any creditor who holds a judgment against the old accounts.

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If your spouse co-signed the debt, they will have to pay your debt. In most cases, the answer will be no, it is your debt and you are responsible.

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Yes. Minnesota, Iowa, and New Hampshire are spousal restriction states. A debt collector calls your house, and your spouse answers, they cannot discuss the account with your spouse, even if they claim they are your spouse. The reason is because anyone can claim to be your spouse.

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Yes the debt is paid out of the estate. If the spouse was a partner in the debt, they can be responsible. If they had a card in their own name, they may have to pay. Consult a probate attorney in Illinois.

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if she has a spouse than no but if she dose not the bank will take care of it

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In Georgia, as in most states, life insurance proceeds to a named beneficiary become the property of the beneficiary and are therefore not accessible to the creditors of the decedent. Of course, this does not apply to joint debt between the spouses or any debt solely in the name of the surviving spouse. In short, if the surviving spouse's name is not on the debt of the decedent, the surviving spouse has no legal obligation to pay such debt.

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Not for private debt. Just make sure that the spouse is not a co- applicant. The spouse is responsible only if they are co-applicant.

In Texas Is a spouse responsible for the ex-spouse credit card debt?

If the debt was made when they were still married the answer is yes. STATED BY AUTHOR

What is Texas law regarding credit card debt for surviving spouse?

Technically, the debt has to be resolved by the estate. And as the spouse gets the estate, they will be paying one way or another. And is many cases the spouse benefits from the debt, they can come after the money