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Q: Does nervous tissue generate action potentials?
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Which electrolytes are important in action potentials and the excitability of nervous and muscle tissue?

Na,K and Ca

What kind of cells are excitable?

Nerve, cardiac and muscle cells have action potentials.

What tissue carry messages throughout your bodies?

I think the answer you're looking for here is nervous tissue which carries action potentials, or nervous impulses, between the tissues and are central nervous system. However, from another point of view you could also consider the cardiovascular system as carrying hormonal messages throughout the body.

Is the intensity of the stimulus is indicated by what action potential?

It is not universal, but the general rule is that stimulus intensity in the nervous system is frequency encoded, e.g. more rapid firing with temperature or with pressure. Some action potentials, as in the heart (excitable but not nervous tissue) have a broadening of the plateau due to calcium entry. In this case the change in the shape of the spike is as important as the change in frequency. Usually this question is directed at the retinal cells which have a generator potential which is graded to light intensity.

How does nervous tissue cause action?

are you a CBSE class 1oth student.because they have the same topic.............

General characteristics of nervous tissue?

There are several characteristics of nervous tissue that make them easy to identify. Nervous tissue is made of many cells packed closely together, and most are strongly branching. There are two main groups of cells: the neurons, and the glial cells. You will find nervous tissue in the brain and spinal cord, and in the nerves and their associated ganglia. Nervous tissue is the main component of the nervous system, which regulates and controls body functions.

What tissue carries messages through your bodies?

nevous tissue

What tissue has the ability to react to stimuli?

nervous tissue

Tissue that forms nerves and the brain?

Nervous (nerve) tissue.

What you mean by autorhythmicity?

The pacemaker is known as the SA node (sinotrial) and it generates action potentials to the AV node and then to the bundle of his down to the purkinje fibers. The branching of cardiac muscle tissue and the intercalated discs allow action potentials to propagate to other cardiac mt cells. The autorhythmicity of the heart is attributed to the fact that it creates its own action potentials from the SA node and can be generated independently from the rest of the body. The heart's autorhythmicity also prevents it from reaching tetanus (like a skeletal muscle does), because myocardial tissue only allows a certain amount of action potentials through before it reaches its absolute refractory period when it comes to a plateau and after the wave drops again and gets hit with another action potential it has already rested.

Which type of tissue carries electrical impulses from your brain?

Nerve tissue

What are the two types of tissue repair?

Nervous tissue and myocardial tissue