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Q: Does netzero emails end in .com or .net?
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What emails end in net?

What does net or com mean?

Net is short for network & com or comm is short for communication.

What are the resources websites?

website resources are the end part of a URL for example .com .net and so on

What is the meaning of com and net?

In domain names .com = commercial .net = network

Does Gmail end in net or com?

Gmail ends in com domain name. It is a worldwide domain name which is the most popular one. .Com is the one used for the most big organisations.

What is the difference betwwen dot net and dot com?

.com=comershal .net=network

Difference between com and net the end of the url?

Ideally, a URL ending in "com" indicates a commercial website whereas a URL ending in "net" meant that this site belonged to an organization involved in networking such as ISPs. In practice, people often chose a URL ending in .net when they couldn't get the one they wanted ending in .com.

Can you connect to Net zero Dial-up without software?

You can but only to download the netzero software. The answer above is what netzero wants you to think. It can be done. Set up a dialup internet connection and name it netzero1 and follow the instructions in the following link.

What does COM ORG and NET GOV mean or stand for?

COM: Company ORG: Organization NET: Network GOV:Government

COM components can be accessed in NET using?

COM can be accessed in .NET by using a reference Interop Assembly

What do net com org etc mean in URLs?

.com = commercial .net = network .org = organazation .gov = government

What does com?

As in the internet? Com= company, Org = Organization, Net = Network