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Q: Does neutrino have a special relativity theory of its own?
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This theory by Albert Einstein explains why all observers have their own separate measure of time because of the finite speed of light?

The theory of special relativity.

Who formulated the theory of re relativity?

Both the Special (first) and General (later) theories of relativity were developed by Albert Einstein. Einstein expressed his indebtedness to the work of Lorentz in developing relativity, but it is still largely Einstein's own work.

What made Einstein make the theory e equals mc2?

Albert Einstein is widely credited for deriving this equation from his own theory of special relativity in 1905.

Can you make a sentence the word theory?

The theory of relativity revolutionized our understanding of space and time.

Neutrino and what it is composed of?

There are two possible answers. Under the point-particle physics of today, a neutrino is an elementary particle, and as such, it is not composed of anything but its own material. The other answer exists under string theory. In string theory, elementary particles are all made up of the same material, one dimensional strings. These strings vibrate at different rates to create the different elementary particles. Therefore a neutrino would be a string vibrating at a specific rate unique to neutrinos. If it vibrated at any other rate, it would not be a neutrino.

Did Einstein won the Nobel Prize for his theory on general relativity?

Sadly it's FALSE and ya'll should do your own dang work losers!

What is Albert Einstein most known for?

Albert Einstein is most known for his contributions in the field of science, namely physics, such as his theories on energy/physics, namely E mc^2 (or, energy equals mass times the speed of light squared). He collaborated with scientists in the making of the atomic bomb and undermined Newton's law of gravitation with his own theory of general relativity. General Relativity proposed that the fabric of space is curved, and that this accounts for gravitational force. With his theory of special relativity, Einstein promoted the view that space and time are not absolute, but are rather relative. Finally, Einstein made numerous contributions to quantum mechanics.

How do neutrinos differ from photon?

A photon is a unit of light and has a mass of 0 where is a Neutrino has a small but nonzero mass. Neutrino's are similar to electrons in most regards, except neutrino's have no charge. Where photon's travel at the speed of light neutrino's come close but do not.

What is faster than speed of light?

AnswerAccording to our current understanding of physics, it seems that nothing can go faster than the speed of light.AnswerThere are these subatomic particles called neutrinos that travel 60 nanoseconds faster than light. Unfortunately, that means Einstein's 1905 special theory of relativity is wrong. So, theoretically, you can time travel and be your own grandmother.

Can a scientific theory be disproven?

Yes, of course it can! =D A theory is just a hypothesis that has been tested and supported by numerous experiments. However, if another scientist can argue against a theory, and can sufficiently support his own ideas, the original theory is disproved. So we have to be careful when we say "prove." It is almost impossible to "prove" something in science, but rather ideas are "very well supported." It's also how the science community grows. So hopefully, you can disprove a major scientific theory one day and revolutionize the field of study!

Doesn't Einstein's space-time need Newton's gravity to work?

The fourth section of Einstein's theory of relativity does not need Newton's theory of gravity. Einstein's theory stands on its own. Still, in order to gain a good understanding of the workings of gravity, it is good to start with Newton's equations. With Newton, you are starting with the actions of bodies at rest or going slow. When you are concerned about the exact position of a satellite orbiting the earth and its effect on a signal sent at the speed of light that you need to get into Einstein's theory.

What are the different of scientific attitude?

Not quite clear on the question but if you mean scientific opinion its mainly because a lot of science is based on theory and therefore cant be proved. Some theories are stronger than others like Relativity over Evolution because Relativity is mainly based on math while a lot of Evolution is clever guess work.. Scientists will always have there own views on these things depending on how supportive the evidence.