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Yes, but the amount you should use depends on how much you weigh, and how much THC you have in your system.

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No. Niacin will not clean any drug out of your system. It is utterly useless for that purpose. See the Related Question below for more information.

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Q: Does regular niacin flush THC from your system?
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Are there vitamins that will flush THC out of your system?


Does slo-niacin get THC out of system?

Yes it can help flush you or at least hide the THC

What can get THC out of system?

Water, Vinegar, Niacin, Pickle Juice. You can get water pills or niacin pills and those will flush your system out. I've even heard of friends drinking a cap full of bleach with a glass of water to clean out there system. I'm not sure if it works but they have all believed it has.

Will jogging 5 miles a day clean THC out of your system?

Yes when you run you burn fat and that helps flush out some of the thc. I've heard niacin pills work, drinking cranberry juice & water may work as well...

Will Niacin help you pass a weed test?

no it will not. niacin or anything else will not remove THC from the body fat . you must run it off and flush it out but you must burn it out first.

What is the easiest way to flush your system of THC?

No to smoke

Can niacin cleanse your system of weed?

Drink a lot of water morning of. Take niacin following directions on bottle. too much then skin feels like a sunburn. Niacin and a lot of water (32oz) with a small amount of apple cider vinegar. Then drink a coke for impurities. These are 2 different methods mixed. Some say just the apple cider vinegar alone. The full treatment has worked for me many times. Unless it goes to a lab. Then S.O.L from my experience. GOOD LUCK

Does niacin work after eating weed?

If you're trying to flush your system of the remaining thc and cannaboids, yes niacin will help your body process them. However you will need to drink ALOT of water and It usually takes two to three days to get it out of your system using niacin, niacin also makes you turn red, really itchy, and sweat a lot. Of you've only eaten it once your body will process it out by itself (without niacin) in three to six days

Does niacin work to clean THC from your system?

Don't know. Yes I just wasted this question.

Which niacin pills do you buy to help speed up cleaning THC out your system?

Niacin does not clean drugs -- any drug -- out of your system. See the Related Question below for more information.

Can niacin detox THC?

No, niacin will not detox one who has used marijuana.

For a regular smoker how long do THC stay in blood and uraine?

Well The THC In Pot, Weed, Whatever You Wanna Call It Usually Stays In The Bloodstream For About 30 Days If You Drink Lots Of Water It Will Flush The THC Out Of Your System Faster But It Will Still Stay There For Almost A Month