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When the crystalline structure has more than one structure, the material is called Polymorphic.

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Q: Does non crystalline material possess the concept of allotropy or polymorphism?
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What is Difference between dynamic polymorphism and static polymorphism with example?

Static polymorphism is used the concept of early binding or we can say compile time binding where as dynamic polymorphism used the concept of late binding or run time binding.

What are the basic concept of object oriented programming language?

Inheritance Encapsulation Polymorphism Abstraction

What is Polymorphism and inheritance explain with example?

Polymorphism, is an object-oriented programming concept, which relates to the ability to create a variable, function or an object that has more than one form. This allows the object to invoke the correct instance of the variable, function or other object based upon the object type. The most common use of polymorphism in OOP occurs when a parent class reference is used to refer to a child class object. Here are some links to examples: C++: c#: Python: Java:

Does java support oops concept?

Yes. Java is an Object Oriented Programming Language and it supports the OOPS concepts like Inheritance, Polymorphism etc

Which phrase express the concept of polymorphism?

As an example, given a base class Shape, polymorphism enables the programmer to define different area methods for any number of derived classes, such as Circles, Rectangles and Triangles. No matter what shape an object is, applying the area method to it will return the correct results.This may also be referred to as an "is-a" relationship.

What is the concept of sound?

sound is energy transferred by vibrations in a given material

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Because it is a number, which is an abstract concept not a material object!

What is the advantage of polymorphism in oops concepts in java?

The polymorphism concept is similar for all objected oriented languages the defination is same and function too. The polymorphism is defined below. "one name multiple form" The explaination is that the polymorphism is combination of two words "poly" means many and "morphism " means form .the function overloading could be example for it. void sum(int,int) void sum(float,float) void sum(double,int) void sum(int,float) in above example the function name is same but only signature is different. and therefore this can be easily implemented in java. posted by: Girija Shankar jaiswal contact no.+919453755840

What is the phsyics concept of sound?

sound is energy transferred by vibrations in a given material

What is a polymorphs?

In computer science, polymorphism means allowing a single definition to be used with different types of data (specifically, different classes of objects). For instance, a polymorphic function definition can replace several type-specific ones, and a single polymorphic operator can act in expressions of various types. Many programming languages and paradigms implement some forms of polymorphism; for a popular example, see polymorphism in object-oriented programming. The concept of polymorphism applies to data types in addition to functions. A function that can evaluate to and be applied to values of different types is known as a polymorphic function. A data type that contains elements of different types is known as a polymorphic data type. There are two fundamentally different kinds of polymorphism, as first informally described by Christopher Strachey in 1967. If the range of actual types that can be used is finite and the combinations must be specified individually prior to use, it is called ad-hoc polymorphism. If all code is written without mention of any specific type and thus can be used transparently with any number of new types, it is called parametric polymorphism. In their formal treatment of the topic in 1985, Luca Cardelli and Peter Wegner later restricted the term parametric polymorphism to instances with type parameters, recognizing also other kinds of universal polymorphism. Programming using parametric polymorphism is called generic programming, particularly in the object-oriented community. Advocates of object-oriented programming often cite polymorphism as one of the major benefits of that paradigm over others. Advocates of functional programming reject this claim on the grounds that the notion of parametric polymorphism is so deeply ingrained in many statically typed functional programming languages that most programmers simply take it for granted. However, the rise in popularity of object-oriented programming languages did contribute greatly to awareness and use of polymorphism in the mainstream programming community.

How does polymorphism promote extensibility?

how dose polymorphism promote extebsibility C++ virtual function is a member function of a class, whose functionality can be over-ridden in its derived classes. The whole function body can be replaced with a new set of implementation in the derived class.Through this u can be able to promote extensibility in your program by using Virtual function. Very simple concept. , Lecturer in Superior University ,Lahore

What is fair use of copyrighted materials in satire?

The difference between "Fair use" and infringement, is not easily defined, and not always clear. There are no specific number of words, lines, or notes, but a brief quotation, or short passage, so that your satire or parody can be effectively delivered, without reproducing large portions, key concepts, of the copyrighted material. If it is the copyrighted material that is delivering the satirical or parodied concept, and the satirical or parodied concept relies solely on the copyrighted material to convey the satire, then, it may be infringement. If your satirical or parodied concept mentions the copyrighted material, and it is part of the satirical or parodied concept, but not the solely concept or idea, then it is likely fair use.