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It's decrease because florine has the most activity.

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Q: Does nonmetal activity tend to decrease or increase as one goes down group 17?
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Does the first ionization energy increase or decrease when you go down a group?

it increases

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What is electron affinity . write down its trend in periods and group?

The electronegativity increase in a period from left to right; in a group decrease by descending.

Does a nonmetallic character increase or decrease down a group?

Down a group, the number of shells increases, also the atomic size. Thus , the metallic character increase does increase as going DOWN a group. It is easy to remove an electron froman atom of bigger size.

What is the group trend in the first ionization energies and why?

1. The ionization energy decrease down in the group.2. The cause is that the distance between the nucleus and the electron shell increase and the needed energy to extract an electron decrease.

What nonmetal in the same group as lead?

Carbon, Silicon (a metalloid), Germanium (a metalloid),

What is a nonmetal group in the periodic table that is reactive?

group 17, halogens

What nonmetal group contains chlorine and iodine?

the halogens, group 17

What nonmetal is in the same group as pb?

Carbon is in the same group as lead.

Is phosphorous a metal metalloid or nonmetal?

It is a non metal. Phosphorus belongs to group 15

In what group are elements extremely reactive nonmetal's?

Halogens, group 17 (7)

Is helium a metal and a nonmetal?

No, helium is not both a metal and a nonmetal. The element helium (He), along with its cousins in Group 18 of the periodic table of the elements, is a monatomic nonmetal.