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Yes it does cos the stomach doesnt stop producing acid and if the acid piles up without seeing anything to digest, it erodes the linings of the stomach.

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Q: Does not eating on time cause stomach ulcers?
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If you drinking alcohol over a long period of time where will it cause ulcers?

Alcohol, by itself, rarely causes ulcers. However, if you take it with aspirin or ibuprofin (Advil), both of which reduce the mucous that protects the stomach wall from stomach acid, the combination can lead to stomach ulcers.

Why do you think reducing the amount of acid in the stomach would help to heal stomach ulcers?

Because then the mucus will have time to come back and protect the stomach lining from creating ulcers.

What affect does acid on your stomach?

It can create discomfort that can be solved by a calcium antacid or, if eaten in huge quantities for a long period of time can eventually cause ulcers.

What are the signs and symptoms of an ulcer and how can I prevent and treat them?

There are two common types of ulcers: Stomach ulcers and pressure ulcers (bed sores). Stomach ulcers usually consist of stomach pain that gets worse after eating. These can be commonly treated with over the counter antacids. Pressure ulcers are most commonly found in people who spend multiple days in bed at a time. They are caused from putting pressure on bony areas for prolonged periods. These can be prevented by moving patients in a bed so that they do not put too much pressure on one area of their body for too long.

Can eating too much lemons destroy your insides?

No, but the citric acid, after time, can create ulcers on the stomach lining; furthermore causing internal bleeding. (Only in extreme cases though)

Can not eating cause stomach upset?

Yes like eating too much it can upset your stomach by not eating as your stomach produces stomach acid ready to digest a meal if there is no food then this can cause problems as bloating constipation and heart burn from the build up of stomach acid

Can you get sore such as ulcers in your mouth from eating stink bugs?

no you cannot. i do this all the time and im mostly fine, except for the occasional ulcers and strokes

Could not eating for a long time upset your stomach?

No, not eating is very healthy for you - not eating for a long time can DEFINITELY upset your stomach because you can get ulcer. - hope this helps:))

Blood in stool appears how frequently in stomach ulcers?

This occurs in cases of the more severe stomach (and duodenal) ulcers. Blood is oxidized, by the time it travels all the way through the intestine and the colon and, therefore, stools appear as blackish or "tarry".

All about Peptic Ulcers?

Peptic ulcers are small lesions in the stomach lining or the upper intestine. These ulcers cause heartburn after meals or at night, nausea, vomiting, bloating, and in severe cases, weight loss, vomiting blood, blood in the stool, or severe abdominal pain.Causes of UlcersWe have all heard someone say "I am so stressed that I am going to get an ulcer!" Contrary to myth, stress alone will not cause an ulcer. Ulcers have a few typical causes. The first possible cause is an infection from a type of bacteria called Helicobacter pylori, or H. pylori. The second possible cause of ulcers is the over-use of a class of painkillers called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs. Finally, ulcers can be caused by gastrinomas, or tumors in the cells in the stomach lining that produce acid. These tumors cause the cells to produce even more acid, causing ulcers.DiagnosisPhysicians can typically determine if ulcers are the cause of your symptoms just by speaking with you about the problem. However, he or she will work to confirm the diagnosis before medications are prescribed or a surgery is recommended. First, the physician typically tries to rule out ordinary heartburn or acid reflux by recommending an antacid. If the antacid is enough to solve the problem, you may not have ulcers. Then, the physician will usually test for H. pylori bacteria and/or use an endoscope to look at the stomach and intestinal lining.TreatmentsThe treatment that your physician selects for your ulcers depends on the cause of the problem. Antibiotics are usually effective in clearing up an infection caused by the H. pylori bacteria. If the ulcers are caused by the overuse of NSAIDs, your physician will usually recommend discontinuing the use of the NSAIDs. Gastrinomas may need to be treated through surgery or with an endoscope. In addition to these treatments, for any type of ulcer, your physician may prescribe or recommend a proton pump inhibitor medication. These medicines reduce the amount of acid in the stomach, allowing the ulcers the opportunity to heal.If you suspect that you have ulcers, consult a physician as soon as possible. Ulcers can worsen over time and lead to serious complications, such as severe damage to the stomach lining or extreme weight loss.

What could cause gastric pain after not eating all day?


How can you treat ulcers?

Well, there is no immediate cure. They are most ofter caused by someone laying in bed for too long without moving around. They must be exposed to the air, probably a good over the counter antibiotic gel like Neosporin, a proper nonstick bandage, and time. You should treat them like any open wound. -AB Army Medic (9 Years)