

Does nut digest in the anus?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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A nut will not digest if you place it in the anus.

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Q: Does nut digest in the anus?
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What happens when you digest?

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It will take an average of about 24-72 hours for a cow to fully digest their feed from mouth to anus.

Can food be digested in the anus?

The anus is merely a sphincter, it cannot digest or absorb anything. It is possible to introduce substances through the anus into the large intestine, which does have the capacity to absorb water or substances dissolved in water; it does not have the capacity to digest anything, however. Digestion takes place in the stomach and the small intestines, not in the large intestines.

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To digest something means for food to go through the digestion process, beginning at the mouth/teeth and ending out of the anus as feces.

Why do fish poop out of their stomach?

Fish don't poop out of their stomach. They poop out of their anus just like all vertibrates. Fish injest food, digest it in the stomach and intestine, and then egest it out the anus.

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cnidarians first paralize their prey with stinging cells on their tenticles then they slowly move the food up into the bell to digest . They have no destinct mouth or anus so the food goes in and out around the same place .

What happens when you're food digest?

It goes down theesophagus and into your stomach.Then it goes in your small intestine and then your large intestine.Then it goes to your rectum and out your anus.

How much time does milk take to digest?

It will take about 24-72 hours to go from the mouth to the anus.

What order do nutrients digest during digestion?

Mouth esophagus stomach small intestine large intestine rectum anus

What is the Function of the gi track?

Tube that extends from the mouth to the anus with the help of muscles, enzymes, hormones to digest food

What occurs when you digest food?

It goes down the esophagus and into the stomach.Then it goes through the small intestine and large intestine.Then it goes through the rectum and out the anus.