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Although related cephalapod species do have shells elements either external or internal, octopi do not.

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Q: Does octopus have exoskeleton
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Does octopus have any bones?

No, the octopus has neither bones nor cartilage, nor shell/exoskeleton.

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Does an octopus have a exoskeleton?

No, but they do have a shell, which acts like an exoskeleton; protecting them from predators, providing camouflage, and sealing in moisture.

Do bottle nose dolphins have an endoskeleton or a exoskeleton?

All whales have internal skeletons and are vertebrates.

Why is an octopus related more to a clam than a lobster?

A Lobster is in the Phylum Arthropoda, it has an exoskeleton and jointed legs. The exoskeleton is made of chitin and has to be shed as the animal grows.An Octopus is in the Phylum Mollusca and is soft bodied. It has legs but they are a smooth soft extension of their bodies.A clam is in the Phylum Mollusca and is soft bodied. While it has a shell, the shell is a calcified structure that increases in size by deposition and is not shed as the animal grows.

What does a vertebrate have that an inverebrate does not?

a backbone. generally invertebrates have an outer shell or hard exoskeleton (eg snails, crabs). or some have nothing like octopus, jellyfish or like your penis

An arthropod with four pairs of walking legs no antennae and two body parts?

The answer is very simple. an octopus of course It has no antannae but do own an exoskeleton,

Do fireflies have an exoskeleton or no exoskeleton?

they have exoskeleton

Do cnidarians have an exoskeleton?

Yes; many cnidarians have an exoskeleton.

Do butterflies have exoskeleton or endoskeleton?

A butterfly has an exoskeleton. The exoskeleton appears when the caterpillar undergoes the metamorphosis process. It is the pup that dissolves and becomes the exoskeleton.

Does a ant have a exoskeleton or endoskeleton?

An exoskeleton.

Is a Pacific octopus an arthropod?

Nope, it's a mollusc, just like slugs and snails. It's in another phylum. Arthropods are insects, arachnids, crustaceans etc, with a hard exoskeleton covering their entire body and no squishy bits at all.