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Foods with omega-3 fatty acids do reduce bad cholesterol. Eating fatty fish can be heart healthy. You should be eating at least 2 servings of fish a week according to doctors. Some people may not like the good fish and so they can take omega-3 or fish oil. But eating the fish is better for you!

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It does seem to help quite a bit;

I have also been taking resveratrol

(grape-skin extract).

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Q: Is omega 3 a bad cholesterol?
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Why omega 3 fatty acid are important for health point of view?

The omega 3's have been proven to reduce bad cholesterol(LDL). and increase good cholesterol (HDL). They also support brain development in infants and children

What kind of omega 3 is in cashew nut?

Cashews are rich in monounsaturated fats, which are beneficial for the body -- can lower bad cholesterol. It does not contain significant amounts of omega 3 fatty acids. If it has any, it would be alpha linolenic acid.

Are nuts bad or good cholesterol?

Walnuts demonstrate heart-healthy benefits due to the presence of high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and phytosterols. Omega-3-fatty acids reduce triglycerides levels and only slightly reduce LDL levels (low density lipoproteins; also knowى as the bad cholesterol). Phytosterols appear to slightly lower LDL cholesterol levels, however, the mechanism by which it does this is not entirely known.

Why the Omega-3 fatty acids are important?

They reduce cholesterol in the blood stream.

How does Omega-3 lower the chance of heart disease?

Omega 3's help the body fight inflamation and raises hdl cholesterol levels.

What foods help me raise my HDL cholesterol?

HDL or "good" cholesterol, can be raised by eating foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, like oily fish. In addition, there are a number of omega-3 supplements available.

Why do inuits have low cholesterol levels?

Because they eat a lot of fish, which contains omega 3 - this regulates cholesterol levels

How can I reduce my cholesterol in a natural way?

One way to lower your cholesterol would be to eat some Omega 3 Fish or Krill Oil. There may be a fishy smell or aftertaste, but it can help out a lot. Remember you have good and bad cholesterol, and you don't just want to reduce the bad, you want to increase the good as well.

Healthy Fats for Lower Cholesterol?

Try cutting out foods that are high in saturated and trans fats, replacing them with foods high in healthy fats to help lower cholesterol. Substituting coldwater fish for red meat, two to three times per week, can reduce intake of saturated fats and provide a healthy dose of Omega-3 fats. Walnuts are also a good source of Omega-3's, and a handful a day can lower cholesterol up to five percent. Olive oil contains both Omega-3 fats and Omega-6 fats which can lower "bad" LDL cholesterol and raise "good" HDL cholesterol. Try two tablespoons daily as a substitute for butter or shortening when cooking.

What is the nutritional value of oats?

it has no cholesterol and it has omega 3 which is good for the heart and blood circulation

What fats lowers your bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol?

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are considered the good fats that raise the HDL or good cholesterol. Omega 3 which is found in certain fatty fish will do the same. The LDL or bad cholesterol should be decreased for heart health.

Which herbal remedy is effective in lowering cholesterol?

will savila will be good . also pills of omega 3 could be good for that or at least that's how my mom controlled her cholesterol .