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Q: Does org mean it is a non-profit organization?
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What code is used to identify a nonprofit organization found in a domain name?


Does a web address with a org always guarantee that it is the website for a nonprofit organization?

No. If you purchase a .org you can put whatever you would like on your site as you are the rightful owner of the domain.

What does the Internet suffix org mean?

Org is not a suffix. The org stands for organization.

What is necessary for an organization to get an org website?

The "org" extension was created by the DNS to differentiate between nonprofit organizations and commercial entities which were given "com". Today, anyone can apply to use "org". It is not necessary but helpful to get an org website. Once a name has been applied for, it cannot be used by anyone else.

What may nonprofit organizations do?

Designation as a nonprofit does not mean that the organization does not intend to make a profit. The nonprofit may also be a trust or association of members.

What does com edu net org mean?

it means organization

What does org stand for?


Is the American heart association a nonprofit organization?

yes they are a nonprofit organization

What does COM ORG and NET GOV mean or stand for?

COM: Company ORG: Organization NET: Network GOV:Government

Is nonprofit downtown-development organization hyphenated?

nonprofit downtown-development organization

Give the type of organization that would use the following top-level domains mil net net air com org gov?

1. .mil=Military 2. .net=Internet provider or network 3. .air=Aviation industry 4. .com=Commercial institution 5. .org=Nonprofit organization .gov=Government institution 1. .mil=Military 2. .net=Internet provider or network 3. .air=Aviation industry 4. .com=Commercial institution 5. .org=Nonprofit organization .gov=Government institution

What does org mean on the internet?

"Org" is a generic top-level domain (gTLD) that typically represents non-commercial or non-profit organizations on the internet. Websites ending in ".org" are commonly used by charities, foundations, and advocacy groups.