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Oxfam international spent 704.53 million dollars worldwide in year 2007. Therefore, I doubt that they receive more funds than cancer research, especially when you take into consideration the many multiple forms of cancer currently being researched.

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Q: Does oxfam get more money than cancer research?
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There are a number of references where one can get information about participating in prostate cancer research. For instance, ones medical specialist may have connections to researchers involved in these studies. One may also refer to the UK Genetic Prostate Cancer or to the Prostate Cancer Research for more specific information about volunteering to be a research subject.

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Fundraisers are meant to raise money for cancer research. Everyone should participate in this by either going on 'runs' or, if they don't have the time to give to a benefit for raising money for cancer. Always ask whomever you are donating too what the Administration fees are and if they are over 10% don't give to that particular benefit. This simply means that more of the money should be going into the research and less into the pockets of Administration. All charities are different and some are on the up and up and some are not.

How many oxfam shops are in the UK?

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