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Yes but you need to keep in mind oxygen is delivered by several means and is not always agaseous state. Infections can vary and treating them is a bit of a science unto its self. Some infections need to be irrigated and physically cleaned, removing contamination and pathogens allowing the body to heal the tissue at it's own pace. Abscesses need to be drained and antibiotics used to combat infection by killing the bacteria causing the abscess. Oxygen rich environments are good for some forms of infection allowing the body to carry enriched oxygen via the blood stream to aid in the healing and helping to give other organs the oxygen they need to work with less effort to fight the infection. Ultimately it comes down to the nature and type of infection and to what extent the infection has a hold on the body. Delays in treatment are always a concern with infections, they can multiply at an alarming rate if left untreated and in some cases they can become septic causing body organs to shut down and fail due to the over load on the system. TSS Toxic shock syndrome is an example of how quickly some matter can become septic to the body. When treating any infection finding the cause is the most important point, once the cause if found then treatment of the symptoms can be applied with the maximum beneficial results.

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Q: Does oxygen have an affect on healing infections?
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