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As long as the painting is entirely original, no.

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Q: Does painting on textiles infringe on copyright laws?
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Does YouTube infringe on copyright laws?

The site itself is entirely legal; the user-uploaded content, on the other hand, is very often infringing.

Is it a violation of copyright laws to make a painting from copyrighted photos?

Without a license, yes.

Can you use a portion of a famous painting for your logo without breaking copyright laws?

If the painting is still protected, you would need a license.

Is using a cartoon character in a painting against copyright laws if you sell the painting for profit?

Almost certainly, yes. The copyright laws protect the image of cartoon characters. When you sell it for profit you are stealing the right of the character's author to sell his own work.

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There could be trademark issues, particularly if it can be proven that the intent of the user of the second URL is to cause confusion in the marketplace.

Can you make your own painting from a video game image without violating any copyright laws?

Ya, do it.

Do you infringe on copyright laws when you record off a radio TV or computer -that is you are recording these sources as the image or sound travels thru the room and then is captured by the recorder?

In the U.S.A., the Supreme Court has decided that recording a broadcast TV show is not copyright infringement.

Is it possible to use phrases of the lyrics of a copyrighted song and different beats from another song and not infringe on copyright laws?

Possibly but it entirely depends on your use of the copyrighted material, including whether or not it is for profit.

When the thermometer in the copyright?

Several different types of thermometers (at the time called thermoscopes) were developed in the 16th century. As an invention, rather than a book or painting, etc, there would never have been copyright protection for such a device. In any case, the protection of copyright laws did not exist in the 16th century

What does a copywright lawyer do?

A copyright lawyer it a layer who specializes in copyright laws and intellectual property laws. They handle cases concerning copyright infrsingement.

What laws prevent people from claiming the word of others as their own?

Plagarism or copyright Laws!

Drugs that have copyright protection?

Drugs and other pharmaceuticals are protected under the patent laws not under the copyright laws.