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Q: Does part of India lie east of Bangladesh?
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Which countries does india lie between?

Afghanistan and Pakistan to the north-west; China, Bhutan and Nepal to the north; Myanmar to the east; and Bangladesh to the east of West Bengal. Sri Lanka is separated from India by a narrow channel of sea, formed by Palk Strait and the Gulf of Mannar.

In which part of Asia does India lie?

India lies in the southern part of Asia.

In which hemisphere does India lie with reference to prime meridian?

India lies in the east hemisphere.

Which is eastern neighbor of India?

Following Countries lie in the east of India.Bangladesh.Myanmar.

What quadrant in the world does India lie in?

First Quardrant = North Latitude, East Longitude

Which countries and waters surround India?

to the north-west, north and north-east - Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar(Burma). Off the south coast lie the island countries of Sri Lanka and Maldives. to the west - the Arabian Sea to the south - the Indian Ocean to the east - the Bay of Bengal

What direction from India does Australia lie in?

Australia lays to the south east of India.

On which tectonic plate does Bangladesh lie?

Indo-Australian plate

The Himalayas lie between India and which other country?

The Himalayas lie between India and China.

Where does the Thar Desert lie?

mostly in india but it covers a part of pakistan too..look it up on a map on google

Where the southern states of India lie?

at the south of India

What are the countries that lie in the TORRID ZONE?

There are many countries such as Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Vietnam Taiwan Burma Sri Lanka India Bangladesh Ghana Madagascar Chile Brazil Argentina Mexico are some of them.