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they may but it definitely gives you a bad back.

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no flat feet have hardly no grip

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Q: Does people with flat feet walk differently?
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Why do you walk on the inside of your feet?

Perhaps you have flat feet, fallen arches.

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Why aren't people with flat feet allowed in the armed forces?

Simply put, people who have flat feet are not allowed in the armed forces because they are not be able to walk properly and would not be able to receive their military training.

How do five gay people walk?

gay people don't walk any differently than straight people.

Does barefoot running cause flat feet ?

No, running around barefoot will not cause you to get flat feet. Shoes are only used to protect our feet but we were born to walk on our feet without anything on them.

Why is your sole feet hardening?

as you walk you put pressure on your sole feet so it turns flat and hardens

What golf shoes are best for people with flat feet?

I would say Nike or Adidas are the best brands for wide feet. Also, when you the are buying the shoe ask an employee if you would need to get gel arches for your shoes. It makes it a whole lot easier to maneuver in sports or for a nice casual walk. It should 99.9% of the time keep your feet from being flat (flat-footed), if they sell you the ones you need of course.

Why do people walk on two feet?

People need something that we can walk on, and the way our body is shaped proves that it is only right to walk on our feet.

It is easier to walk on soft grounds if you have flat shoes rather than shoes with small hills why?

it is easier to walk on soft grounds with flat shoes rather than hills because the soft ground supports your feet since the shoes are flat and don't have much support allowing to get to your feet

How many feet do people walk in a minute?

Humans walk approximately 272.8 feet/minute.

Do elephant have flat feet?

my teacher once told me that it helped them to walk more quietly.. hmmm

Why do elephants have flat feet?

my teacher once told me that it helped them to walk more quietly.. hmmm