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Yes they do. Stress is one factor (even in young women) when they can miss a period, spot, or have a later period in the month. From the age of 35 up women can start to see hormone changes (erratic periods) and their body is preparing to go into perimenopause. Approximately around 50 years old (could be earlier .. was with me) women go through menopause where their periods cease for good. It's all about hormones.

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Not necessarily. Stress can delay menstruation, but for most women, their cycles are pretty regular at 28-29 days. Please note that months are 30-31 days long, so it won't be the same day of the month every month.

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Your period can change with age. It can also change with having a child, miscarriage, abortion, etc.

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Q: Do woman always have the same menstrual cycles every time of the month?
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Why do your periods start earlier every month?

Your periods aren't determined by the dates on the calendar, they are determined by your menstrual cycles and your cycles will never perfectly sync up with the calendar months. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days which is shorter than a month, cycles can change, and months aren't all the same lengths - there's no reason at all to think your period would always occur on the same day every month.

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Once a month

If you are irregular are you supposed to have a period every month?

Irregular menstrual cycles mean that there is no predictability in a persons menstrual cycles. Typically when a person has irregular cycles there are weeks or months difference between menstruation and/or they may have irregular bleeds between menstruation. You an have monthly periods with an irregular cycle, but often people think their cycles are irregular because they don't understand that a persons cycles may not always be 28 days or that cycle lengths can change.

Is it normal to have 2 menstrual cycles in 1 month?

You may be experiencing some non-menstrual bleeding, which can be normal. Especially if you are taking birth control and have missed a dose or two. Cycles are not always regular, and menstruation can occur every 3 to 8 weeks. If your bleeding continues for more than a week, it would be prudent to seek medical attention.

Do menstrual cramps always happen every month?

Not always. How active you are and what you eat can affect how bad your cramps are, or even if you have them at all.

Can the month February affect your period cycle?

No, months have no effect on your menstrual cycles.

Is the Chinese year based on the cycles of the moon?

Yes, the Chinese calendar follows the lunar cycles. This is why the start of every Chinese (lunar) month always coincides with a new moon and why the 15th day of each Chinese month always coincides with a full moon.

Is it normal to have a period every month since menstruation started?

Yes, it's normal to have a period every month since menstruation started. The typical menstrual cycle is 28 days so that means periods will typically be monthly, although irregular cycles are common during the first few years of menstruating not everyone skips cycles.

Will the menstrual cycle day remain the same every month?


Why do you only ovulate every other month?

If it is a normal ovary, and the human has normal cycles, it will ovulate every month.

Is it normal for breast to leak and have three menstrual cycles in one month?

no ! you have a hormonal imbalance and should see you gyno today !

Did lesbians get periods every month?

Orientation has nothing to do with menstrual cycle.