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Q: Does peristalsis reverse direction
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Peristalsis moves food in what direction?

Peristalsis moves food in one direction.

What is meant by reverse peristalsis and describe what parts are involved?

Peristalsis is the muscular action that causes material to travel (normally) through the gastro-intestinal system. Reverse peristalsis is the reverse : that is from the colon to the small intestines to the stomach to the esophagus to the mouth - and then vomited out.

What is reverse peristalsis in the esophagus better known as?


Food moves in what direction?

Peristalsis moves food in one direction.

Which of the following results from reverse peristalsis?

You throw up

What in semen stimulates the uterus to contract in reverse peristalsis?


What is the scientific name for eater?

Assuming you are eating, the act or chewing is mastication and swallowing is peristalsis. Vomiting is reverse peristalsis.

What is an antiperistalsis?

Antiperistalsis is the action of peristalsis occuring in the opposite direction to the direction in which it usually occurs.

What is antiperistalsis?

Antiperistalsis is the action of peristalsis occuring in the opposite direction to the direction in which it usually occurs.

Do peristalsis always work in one direction?

Yes. But whtat does this have to do with 1D?

When peristalsis moves in the opposite direction the result is?

It will probably result in vomiting

What causes reverse peristalsis?

There are smooth muscles in the wall of an esophagus that move food downward with a squeezing action. These waves of muscle contractions move food through the entire digestive tract causing peristalsis.