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since i have been on plavix everything heals very slow... and sunburn is extra bad... almost like my skin is going to bleed and bruise... i have always healed so fast prior to taking plavix... kinda worries me...

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Q: Does plavix slow down the healing process of a wound?
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It would slow down the healing process slightly but if your goin to do it using a vaporiser it is better than smoking a joint or something like that as tabbaco thins the blood delivierying less oxygen to the wound

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The main factors contributing to delayed wound healing in older residents are reduced collagen production, decreased circulation, impaired immune function, and comorbidities such as diabetes or vascular disease. These age-related changes can slow down the healing process and increase the risk of complications.

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The main body fluid that is responsible for healing wounds is blood. Blood can be broken down in to many different parts, including red blood cells, platelets, and plasma. All of these parts play a vital role in the healing process.

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The first stage of ossification is the laying down of a cartilage template by chondrocytes. Then osteoblasts add calcium and phosphorus to the extracellular matrix. When that process is complete the osteoblasts become mature bone cells, osteocytes.

What occurs during the repair phase of wound healing?

Either the normal cells that are supposed to be there fill in the wound (such as skin epithelium filling back in) or fibroblasts lay down fibrin that fills in the wound and pulls the edges together. Generally there is a mixture of these two happening - depending on which one is more prevalent you will have either a normal appearance to the wound or you will have a scar.

Is spiritual healing able to overcome all physical and mental ailments?

Spiritual healing can help, but it is not nearly as powerful as modern medicine. In truth, Spiritual healing is nothing more then making you believe you're healing, and the human brain is an amazing thing. When we believe we are healing, healing progresses more easily, and while we believe we are not healing, our bodies slow down the natural process of healing.

Hyperglycemia increase the rate of infection and slow healing?

Poor circulation If you have had diabetes for a long while, you probably have fatty deposits in your arteries that slow down blood flow causing poor circulation. Poor circulation can limit the amount of oxygen and healing nutrients that reach a wound.

Does donating blood slow down healing process?

No because your body has a storage structure that has blood stored in it in case you loose some blood.

What happens to the rapidly dividing cells when the healing process nearest completion?

The rate of cell division slows down, controls on growth are restored, and everything returns to normal.

What start blood coltting at the wound?

In a healthy individual blood clots at a wound site to stop bleeding. This process begins with the cells lining the blood vessels causing the clots to form, then proteins create fibrin (which is another type of protein) that acts as glue to hold a blood clot together, and platelets which are small blood cell fragments stick together to form a clot. After the bleeding has stopped and healing has occurred the body breaks down and removes the clot.

The disturbance of what process results in a problem scar?

development of new skin is combined with breaking down the scar tissue that was formed in the second phase of healing